This documentary/narrative hybrid film tells the story of WWII hero with the 4th Emergency Rescue Squadron, Lt. Royal Stratton, who led a deadly mission to save the lives of nine downed airmen adrift in enemy waters of a war-torn South Pacific. Immersive cinematography and gripping action, combined with firsthand accounts and historical images, showcase the valor of this squadron who faced overwhelming odds to bring their brothers home.
- MPAA rating : NR (Not Rated)
- Product Dimensions : 7.5 x 5.5 x 0.5 inches; 3.5 Ounces
- Writer-Director : Christopher Johnson
- Producer: Mariana Tosca, p.g.a.
- Media Format : DVD NTSC
- Run time : 1 hour and 30 minutes
- Release date : February 2, 2021
- Actors : Earl Holliman (Forbidden Planet), Janis Paige (Silk Stockings), Marsha Hunt (Pride and Prejudice)
- DVD signed by the Filmmakers and includes 6"x9" poster art card signed by the Filmmakers
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DVD - Journey to Royal: A WWII Rescue Mission - Signed by the Filmmakers
- MPAA rating : NR (Not Rated)
- Product Dimensions : 6.75 x 5.5 x 0.5 inches; 3.5 Ounces
- Writer-Director : Christopher Johnson
- Producer: Mariana Tosca, p.g.a.
- Media Format : DVD NTSC
- Run time : 1 hour and 30 minutes
- Release date : February 2, 2021
- Actors : Earl Holliman (Forbidden Planet), Janis Paige (Silk Stockings), Marsha Hunt (Pride and Prejudice)
- DVD signed by the Filmmakers and includes 6x9 poster art card signed by the Filmmakers